Sifat wujud zat

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012



NO Nama_Peserta No_Peserta kls Ranking Nilai
No Nama no. peserta   rangking nilai
1 ABDILLAH S N    527001 7A 56 70.00
29 ABDA AINUN S    527029 7B 18 82.50
2 AYU HIRLIANA R  52700  7A 145 47.50
30 AHMAD ROY H     527030 7B 123 55.00
3 AYUNDA PUTRI P  527003 7A 152 42.50
31 ALIFIA S Y      527031 7B 90 62.50
4 DEA MELATI P    527004 7A 128 52.50
32 ALIFIYAH A Y    527032 7B 122 55.00
5 DESYA ANDARISTA 527005 7A 38 75.00
33 AVIATI A I      527033 7B 107 60.00
6 DWI WAHYU R     527006 7A 40 75.00
34 DESI NUR O      527034 7B 5 87.50
7 DYAH AYU I      527007 7A 133 50.00
35 DIAN NURLAYLA F 527035 7B 89 62.50
8 EL MEDINA A P   527008 7A 25 80.00
36 DIFFANA CANTHYA 527036 7B 80 67.50
9 ELVIANA YUSTIKA 527009 7A 72 67.50
37 DWI AYU W       527037 7B 93 62.50
10 FARAH LUSIA F   527010 7A 100 62.50
38 DWI AYU Y       527038 7B 101 62.50
11 FEBRINA RIZDA S 527011 7A 111 60.00
39 DYAH AYU P      527039 7B 81 65.00
12 FIRMAN DWI M    527012 7A 120 57.50
40 FALDA FRIDIANTI 527040 7B 97 62.50
13 GALUH EKA PUTRI 527013 7A 58 70.00
41 FITRI RETNO D A 527041 7B 140 50.00
14 LINTANG PUSPITA 527014 7A 59 70.00
42 HERMAWAN T G    527042 7B 131 50.00
15 M ALVI N        527015 7A 36 77.50
43 ILHAM F         527043 7B 105 60.00
16 MONICA DWI NUR  527016 7A 23 80.00
44 MUCH AGUNG M    527044 7B 115 57.50
17 M IQBAL H ISLAM 527017 7A 50 72.50
45 MUHAMMAD R S P  527045 7B 126 55.00
18 NABILA AYUNI HA 527018 7A 34 77.50
46 NOKVAN SETYO D  527046 7B 156 40.00
19 NADIA PU RI D   527019 7A 60 70.00
47 NOVAFERYA D     527047 7B 139 50.00
20 NADYA DWI S     527020 7A 85 65.00
48 NUR FADILAH     527048 7B 76 67.50
21 NIKEN WIBASARI  527021 7A 109 60.00
49 RAHADIAN BAGAS  527049 7B 77 67.50
22 PRAYOGA DEARWAN 527022 7A 61 70.00
50 REFANGGA L R    527050 7B 110 60.00
23 PUTRI PRAMA A   527023 7A 3 90.00
51 RIZAL FUADY A   527051 7B 94 62.50
24 RAHMAT A R      527024 7A 63 70.00
52 RIZKY SANGGRAMA 527052 7B 98 62.50
25 RANA KHRIS      527025 7A 7 85.00
53 SERLY KUSMIA F  527053 7B 113 57.50
26 RIZQIA ZUHRI A  527026 7A 27 77.50
54 SHABRINA NOLA R 527054 7B 108 60.00
27 SILMY KAFFAH R  527027 7A 71 67.50
55 TEDI EKO W      527055 7B 143 47.50
28 VIMBI FRANCISKA 527028 7A 134 50.00
56 YUDISTIRA D P   527056 7B 158 37.50

No Nama no. peserta   rangking nilai
No Nama no. peserta   rangking nilai
57 ADELIA DESIRA   527057 7C 69 67.50
86 ATIKA EKA R     517086 7D 138 50.00
58 AJI JANMO M     527058 7C 135 50.00
87 AYU FAUZIANA P  527087 7D 21 80.00
59 ALDA DARMAYANTI 527059 7C 118 57.50
88 DELFITRI S B    527088 7D 88 65.00
60 ANGGITA R       527060 7C 92 62.50
89 DEWI AYU ATIKA  527089 7D 26 77.50
61 DEWI IKA P      527061 7C 12 82.50
90 ERLYNA RAHMA A  527090 7D 44 72.50
62 DHELA  A  A N   527062 7C 54 72.50
91 FERONIKA NUR M  527091 7D 45 72.50
63 ERNINDA P       527063 7C 53 72.50
92 GEBYAR CATUR W  527092 7D 78 67.50
64 FEBRINA HUMAIRO 527064 7C 106 60.00
93 IRWAN KURNIAWAN 527093 7D 104 60.00
65 HAMNAH AULIA R  527065 7C 116 57.50
94 IZZAH LINATUL K 527094 7D 67 70.00
66 IQBAL WAHYU R   527066 7C 91 62.50
95 JESICA VIRANCO  527095 7D 46 72.50
67 KARTIKA K       527067 7C 84 65.00
96 KARIN ANINDITA  527096 7D 22 80.00
68 MANGGALA RIZAL  527068 7C 164 30.00
97 LAYLATUL A MH   527097 7D 15 82.50
69 MAULIDA BULQISA 527069 7C 119 57.50
98 LAZUARDI NUR    527098 7D 151 42.50
70 MAULUDINA F     527070 7C 11 85.00
99 MAHESA MANIK G  527099 7D 99 62.50
71 MOCH AVIANDA R  527071 7C 132 50.00
100 MIRA NURRURI R  527100 7D 6 85.00
72 MOCHAMAD RIZAL  527072 7C 125 55.00
101 MUHAMMAD A N A  527101 7D 103 60.00
73 NADYA KIRANA    527073 7C 144 47.50
102 NADA AZMI SALSA 527102 7D 4 87.50
74 NIRO DAVA W     527074 7C 74 67.50
103 NOER ANGGADILA  527103 7D 39 75.00
75 NUR AMIROTUL H  527075 7C 51 72.50
104 NURIL U H       527104 7D 66 70.00
76 RAHMA MUTIARA R 527076 7C 95 62.50
105 RAFI AL M       527105 7D 117 57.50
77 RARA RANIA P    527077 7C 162 30.00
106 RAFIKA PUTRI V  527106 7D 70 67.50
78 RATNA K         527078 7C 10 85.00
107 ROSALIA PUSPITA 527107 7D 150 42.50
79 RENALD  JAYA L  527079 7C 147 42.50
108 SISKA DWI M     527106 7D 129 52.50
80 RIEZNANDA L P   527080 7C 17 82.50
109 SUHARIYA        527109 7D 47 72.50
81 SEPTIANI DWI A  527081 7C 29 77.50
110 WAHYU PRAHARSA  527110 7D 82 65.00
82 SULTHON ALIF R  527082 7C 31 77.50
111 YUNIAR ELOK S   527111 7D 33 77.50
83 TRI UMSINI Y    527083 7C 148 42.50
112 YUNIAR INTAN P  527112 7D 112 60.00
84 YEYEN WULAN R   527084 7C 68 70.00

No Nama no. peserta   rangking nilai
No Nama no. peserta   rangking nilai
113 ABURIZAL THORIQ 527113 7E 65 70.00
141 ALIFFIYAN A     527141 7F 37 75.00
114 ACHMAD RIZKY A  527114 7E 166 20.00
142 ALIFIAH A       527142 7F 2 90.00
115 ADELIA RAMADANI 527115 7E 32 77.50
143 AMIR MUTASHIM B 527143 7F 19 82.50
116 ALDIO RIZKY     527116 7E 161 32.50
144 ANGGIT PRATAMA  527144 7F 83 65.00
117 AYNIN NUR S     527117 7E 153 42.50
145 DIAN SAVIRA M P 521745 7F 79 67.50
118 CELVIN ANDIKA S 527118 7E 124 55.00
146 DWI A GALIH K   527146 7F 52 72.50
119 DIMAS EKA P     527119 7E 137 50.00
147 EKO URIP F      527147 7F 14 82.50
120 DWIKI A PUTERA  527120 7E 149 42.50
148 ELFIRA MONETA K 527148 7F 16 82.50
121 FAIRUZ WAHYU N  527121 7E 48 72.50
149 ERLIAN INDAH M  527149 7F 55 72.50
122 FRISARANDA DEWA 527122 7E 41 75.00
150 FAADILLAH P     527150 7F 136 50.00
123 HANA KURNIA O   527123 7E 28 77.50
151 FARIS AULADI    527151 7F 142 47.50
124 IZZAH AFKARINA  527124 7E 73 67.50
152 FERRYAN FURQON  527152 7F 163 30.00
125 KIN NTI W S     527125 7E 64 70.00
153 FIDDIENA L P    527153 7F 87 65.00
126 KRISTA BELLA D  527126 7E 96 62.50
154 FIGA C T P      527154 7F 57 70.00
127 LAILY WAHYU F   527127 7E 75 67.50
155 GEOVANNA M L    527155 7F 159 37.50
128 LUTFIAN JAYA S  527    7E 165 25.00
156 INGGRID AYUNING 527156 7F 13 82.50
129 MITA FIRLIA D   527129 7E 8 85.00
157 KRISNAWATI      527157 7F 160 35.00
130 MOH ASSEGAF F   527130 7E 121 55.00
158 MARISA ANTASARI 527158 7F 102 60.00
131 MUHAMMAD HARIS  527131 7E 86 65.00
159 M MAHRUS ALI    527159 7F 1 92.50
132 NANDA ADYA S    527132 7E 157 37.50
160 M YUSUF AKBAR   527160 7F 43 72.50
133 NOVELINE ADINDA 527133 7E 24 80.00
161 NADHILLA K F    527161 7F 155 40.00
134 NUR AIDAH SUQMA 527134 7E 49 72.50
162 NATASHA WIDYA S 527162 7F 154 42.50
135 PRAMESTI M P A  527135 7E 62 70.00
163 NURUL IZZA A    527163 7F 141 47.50
136 RADIGTA YOGA D  527136 7E 30 77.50
164 VIRLY SETYAKI S 527164 7F 146 42.50
137 RIKA AYU M      527137 7E 9 85.00
165 WULANG H M B    527165 7F 127 52.50
138 RISMA STASYA R  527138 7E 42 75.00
166 YUSTIKA B       527166 7F 130 50
139 SANTI LAILI S   527139 7E 20 80.00

140 VALENTINE PUTRI 527140 7E 114 57.50

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Kisi-Kisi Midle Test of Even 2011-2012


Presented some example of things properties, student determine clasification of chemical properties
Students determine to indicate of chemical change
Presented 2 example of natural phenomena, the students determine kinds of change.
Presented some of excample of natural phenomena, students determine the example of chemical change
Students determine of physical properties of substance
Students determine of physical properties of substance
Presented 4 catural fenomena, students determine the example of chemical change
The students determine the example of physical change.
Presented a statement , the students determine based on kinds physical properties
Presented some example of natural fenomena, students determine clatification of chemical change.
Presented a example of natural phenomena, students determine to physical and chemical change
Presented some example of natural fenomena, students determine clatification of physical change.
Presented a statement about change from things, students determine chemical change
Presented a statement about change from things, students determine physical change
Students determine the coused iron rust
Students detrmine the definition of physical change
studentns determine the coused chemical reaction
Students determine the coused of chemical change.
Presented two properties of things, students determine based on clasify of physical properties
Presented a statement, students determine example of chemical change.
Prsented properties of things, students determine of physical properties a substance
The student determine the meaning  of chemical reantion.
The student determine to definiton of reactan
Presented a statemen, students determine area of the reactan on chemical reaction equation.
Presented a statemen, students determine area of the result of reaction on chemical reaction equation.
Presented 4 symbols of compound state, students are able to determine symbol of  dissolve in water.
Presented the chemical reaction equation, students determine cooeficient of chemical reaction equation.
Students determine the mean of coefficient in chemical reaction equation.
Presented 4 cchemical reaction equation, students determine substance reaction of chemical reaction equation.
Presented 4 cchemical reaction equation, students determine fusion reaction of chemical reaction equation.
Presented a statement of chemical reaction, students determine the writen aboat  chemical reaction equation
Presented 4 the chemical reaction equation, students determine the chemical reaction equation does not equivalence.
Presented 4 gas of compound, students determine gas which is needing to burn of substance
Presented 4 chemical equation reaction, student determine the equivalence of chemical equation reaction
Presented the change on litmus paper, students determine to indicate of acid
Presented a chemical reaction equation, students can determine the indicate chemical reaction based on the symbol chemical reaction equation.
Presented 4 symbol of chemical formula, students determine the symbol of  base compound
Presented 4 compound, students determine the compound include to acid compound
Presented 4 compound, students determine the compound include to base compound
Presented 4 compound, students determine the compound include to neutral compound