The Organisms that still exist until now have adaptive characteristic inherited from their parents.
Offspring can be produced by reproduction process both asexsual and sexual.
Asexual reproduction creates offspring that are genetically identical to their parent.
Sexual reproduction creates offspring has combination traits gained from both parents.
Offspring produced from combination traits because male’s traits are bequeathed through sperm, while female’s traits are bequeathed through ovum.
The traits of male or female are bequeathed I, that is heredity material.
Heredity material is a material that contains traits or bequeathed information.
Heridity material in living organism is DNA (=deoxyribose nucleic acid)
DNA : - Containts of polynucleotide chain.
- Double helix
Each nucleotide consists of:
a. Phosphate a) Phosphate
b. Ribosa b) Ribosa
c. Nitrogen base, consist of : c) Nitrogen base consist of:
a) Purin consist of : adenine and guanine a) purin : A and G
Pirimidin consist of : timin and cytosine b)Pirimidin: Urasin and C

Chromosome of structure is sentromer and chromosome body
Base on the place of sentromer, chromosome devided 4 kinds, that is:
1. Metasentric is sentromer there are in central
2. Submetasentric: chromosome body has the different long and curved shaped
3. Akrosentric : sentromer there has the different long and straight line shaped
4. Telosentric, : sentromer is the tip of chromosome
Pea plants were used as experimental material because it has some advantages as follow:
a. Easy to grow
b. Producing a lot of seeds
c. Mature at fast rate berumur pendek
d. Self pollinated
e. Easy to pollinate
f. Has seven discrete characteristic : tall-short of plant, inflated -constricted of pod shape, round-wrinkled of seed shape, yellow-green of seed, flower position in axial-terminal, purple-white flower, green-yellow of pod color
Trait =sifat
Recessive Traits is - the traits suppressed in the F1 generation
- Symbolized with small letter
- The closing of the trait
Dominant traits is - traits cover up the other traits
- Symbolized with capital letter
- The trait that appears.
Mendel’s try to cross monohybrid, the Tall pea plant is more dominant from short
Tall use of symbolized with capital letter “ T ” and it’s must be a pair “ TT ”
Short use of symbolize with small letter “ t ” and it’s must be a pair “tt”
Crossing tall pea plants with short pea plants. Allowing plants growing from F1 seed to self-pollinate (F1 X F1) to produce the second generation (F2)
Genotypic is gene formation (allele) which determines traits
Phenotypic is trait that observable by human senses
Based on the result of the crossing above, it means the genotypic ratio and phenotypic ratio is ………….
Homozygote (=pure-breeding) is genotype be set either by similar gene a pair
Heterozygote is genotype be set either by different gene a pair.
Mendel’s first law say “ During gamete formation, the gene separated into two offspring cells”.
Homozygous Dominant means the genotype is set (composed) by dominant gene a pair. For example: TT------ is tall
Homozygous recessive means the genotype is set (composed) by recessive gene a pair. For example: tt
Heterozygous means the genotype is set (composed) by dominant gene and recessive gene. For example: Tt
Mendel conducted experiment of two discrete trait ( dihybrid ) and many discrete traits ( polyhybrid ) and he found that each trait does not depend on other trait.
For example: the height of pea plant is not influenced by seed form.
Mendel’s second law: “ in fertilization, segregating genes assort (will join) independently with other genes”.
P = parental, that is parents
F = filial is offspring produced by marriage.
Pea plant has tall of homozygous and round homozygote of seed shape traits dominant crossed with short homozygote and wrinkled homozygote of seed shape traits recessive. Calculate F2 (= F1 x F1) ratio phenotypic and genotypic of traits above!
TT = tall of dominant homozygous on pea plant
RR = round of dominant homozygous on pea plant
tt = short of recessive homozygous on pea plant
rr = wrinkled of recessive homozygous on pea plant
Inheritance pattern (pola pewarisan sifat)
1) Monohybrid Cross = that is cross pollination with two different property
A) dominant monohybrid cross has characteristics as follow:
1) Traits of dominant genes completely suppress recessive genes
2) All F1 generation have similar phenotype to parent with dominant genes
3) The F2 generation have 3 : 1 ratio of dominant phenotype and recessive phenotype
B) Intermediate Monohybrid Cross (codominance)
1) Traits of dominant genes completely covers recessive genes
2) Heterozygote offspring express intermediate traits, which are the mix of dominant and recessive traits.
3) The F2 generation have 1 : 2 : 1 rotio of dominant phenotype and recessive phenotype
Conclusion of Intermediate property is The pair of properties that did not show full dominance or full recessive property.
To cross flower of Mirabilis jalapa plant between red color dominant homozygote with white color recessive intermediately to result F1 (pink flower). Calculate ratio of Phenotypic and Genotypic of F2 from F1 x F1!
c) Test cross = that is cross to done between individual that wanted to be known of their genotype with individual that had recessive homozygote genotype.
. If organism of genotype curl hair (CC) is crossed with recessive normal hair.
a) determine F1
b) determine to comparation F1 that crossed with in test cross method.
2) Dihybrid
Is Crossing with two different properties.
For example : a yellow pea of round seed with wrinkled green seed. Round seed is dominant over wrinkled seed and yellow color is dominant over green color.
The number of gametes, genotype of F2 and phenotype of F2 are determined by the following formula:
a) Formula to determine the number of gamete = 2n.
n = The number of different properties
Example : The genotype for round seed BB, Then its gamete is B and B or Bb genotype, then its gametes are B and b.
b) Formula to determine the number of kinds of F2 Genotype (3n)
F2 from the number of different properties is 1 the number of kind F2 genotype is 31 = 3
c) Formula to determine the number of kinds of F2 phenotype = (2n)
2) Dihybride cross
Pea plant has tall of homozygous and round homozygote of seed shape traits dominant crossed with short homozygote and wrinkled homozygote of seed shape traits recessive. Calculate ratio phenotypic and genotypic of traits above!
3) Backcross and Testcross
Backcross is a crossing of an offspring with one of its parents.
Testcross is the crossing occurs between the offspring with recessive pure breeding
Mendel’s Laws:
1) Mendel’s law 1 = law of gene segregation that has allele (segregation)
2) Mendel’s law 2 = law of gene classification.
The application of properties inheritance
1. Discovery of superior germ (penemuan bibit unggul)
2. The determination of sex (penentuan jenis kelamin)
3. Inheritance of sex-related properties (pewarisan sifat terpaut sex)
1) Superior germ is germ that has good properties according to human needs, where this good properties can be collected in one individual through cross marriage.
2) The determination of sex.
- Sex kinds of its heredity is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes.
- Sex chromosome in human is separated into X chromosome and Y chromosome.
- If women is XX, and in man is XY.
- Y = that determines the formation of male, if Y is not found so a female is born.
- The number of human chromosome is 46 (=23 pairs), consisting of 22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes.
3) Inheritance of sex-related properties consisting of:
a) Color blindness (buta warna) = is recessive properties.
XCY = Normal man
XcY = color blindness man
XCXC = normal woman
XCXc = carier woman
Xc Xc = color blindness woman
Exercise : in a marriage between woman of color blindness properties carrier with normal man, calculate ratio phenotypic and ghenotypic on F1!
B) Hemophilia (hemofili)
- The characteristic , if there is injury then the blood is hard to coagulate.
- the properties carrier, ---its genotypes as follows:
- XHY = Normal man
- XhY = hemophilic man
- XHXH = normaly woman
- XHXh = carier woman
- Xh Xh = hemophilic woman
Exercive : Determine to produce the crossing a woman of hemophilic properties carrier with a man of hemophilic sufferer:
C) Albinism (albinisme / albino)
- in Albinis is a heredity disease brought by recessive gen
- in albino, that recessive gene is not related to sex chromosome, but in autosom chromosome.
- the properties carrier, ---its genotypes as follows:
AA = normaly human
Aa = Carier human
aa = suffers albino (penderita albino)
The crossing of husband and wife of albino property carrier and the other is carrier of albino property, calculate ratio phenotypic and genotypic on F1!
d) Blood group / blood type:
Several possibilities of genotype found in each blood group are as follow:
- Blood group A : IAIA = Blood group A homozygote
IAIo = Blood group A heterozygote
- Blood group B : IBIB = Blood group B homozygote
IBIo = = Blood group B heterozygote
- Blood group AB : IAIB
- Blood group O : IoIo
1. Determine the blood group of children if the father has blood group A of homozygote and mother has blood group B heterozygote.
2. Determine the blood group of children if the father has blood group A of heterozygote and mother has blood group B heterozygote.
Four grandchildren were born in the family. Two of male grandchildren have hemophilia. Determine the genotype of the other members of the family! Copy this following chart and write down the genotype in the box or circle!

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